If you are taking your phone to the toilet, be careful, these diseases can happen

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Dt. 10 April 2023, Monday

In today's modern era, the phone has become an integral part of human life. Most of the people today are so used to the phone that they have it in their hands from the time they wake up in the morning till they go to sleep at night. Apart from this, many people carry it with them even while going to the toilet. But this habit can become a big problem. According to doctors, men should not go to the toilet with a phone as this habit can be fatal for a person.

57 percent of bacteria particles can reach a person in 5.5 seconds

According to the doctor, splashes of urine containing bacteria can live in toilets and public toilets for several days. Several studies have shown that urine splashes can travel up to three feet. Urine can travel up to six feet during flushing. In such a situation, there is a possibility of reaching the phone in the person's hand. Feces can contain many bacteria and viruses. When you flush the toilet, bacteria spreads. A study found that 57 percent of bacteria particles can reach a person within 5.5 seconds of flushing a urinal. These particles stay with a person for several days and can make him sick.

65 percent of people use their phones in the toilet

A survey in 2021 found that 65 percent of 9,800 adults use their phones on the toilet. There is a common belief that holding your phone with the other hand will reduce the spread of germs and keep them away from your device, but this is a misconception. According to doctors, public toilets are often not completely clean and are hotspots for bacteria. Anytime you touch anything, dangerous germs and bacteria can reach your hands. As you touch the door, use the bathroom flush. Even if you touch the wall, the bacteria can reach you. These spaces are breeding grounds for bacteria such as E coli, Streptococcus, Hepatitis A and E. This can cause diarrhoea, fever, deadly diseases like Shigella.


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