In 10 years, an epidemic like Corona can take the lives of 6 lakh people in the world, a shocking claim in the report

In the next 10 years, an epidemic like Corona can engulf the whole world. According to Airfinity Ltd, a London-based health analytics firm, there is about a 27 percent chance of facing a deadly pandemic like Corona in the next decade. According to London-based Airfinity Limited, climate change, increasing international travel, a growing aging population and threats from spreading zoonotic disease are the most important factors driving the epidemic. According to the firm's modeling, fatal outbreaks are reduced by 8.1% if a vaccine is found within 100 days of exposure to the virus.

This new assessment outlines possible scenarios for the future under different epidemics

This new assessment outlines possible futures under different epidemics. In a worst-case scenario, a bird flu-type virus that can spread from person to person could kill more than 15,000 people in a single day in the UK, according to estimates.

In 20 years, three major corona-like viruses were found

According to the health firm's estimates, in the last two decades, there have been three major corona-like viruses in the form of SARAS, MERS and Covid-19. In 2009, an epidemic of swine flu was also observed. H5N1 bird flu, which is spreading rapidly, could also be a concern. While very few people have been infected so far, there are no signs of human-to-human transmission. But its uneven spread in birds and increasing invasion of mammals has raised concerns among scientists and governments.

There is no vaccine for the Zika virus

Airfinity said vaccines for some dangerous disease pathogens, such as MERS and Zika, have not been developed. Current surveillance policies do not appear likely to detect new outbreaks in time. It is therefore suggested that there is an urgent need for pandemic preparedness measures. According to an estimate, 6 lakh people may die from the epidemic.

Risk of outbreaks of various pathogens in the next 5 years

  • Kovid-19 : 14.9%
  • Omicron : 1.3%
  • H5N1: 0.1%


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