Include Rainbow Diet in your meals, you will get miraculous benefits

Ahmedabad. 22 April 2023 Saturday

You may have also noticed the colors of vegetables, fruits, pulses and grains while cooking and eating. If all these colors are placed together, the plate will look like a rainbow. A plate decorated with food colors is called rainbow diet. This diet includes food of every color so that the body can get different nutrients. Each natural color associated with food points to a particular nutrient.

Red color

Red colored fruits and vegetables are beneficial for the heart. Fruit vegetables like tomato, watermelon, pomegranate, beet, strawberry are included in this color. Red foods contain the antioxidant lycopene. Which keeps heart related diseases away.

Orange color

Fruits and vegetables of this color contain a substance called carotene. Oranges are of this color. Apart from this there are things like pumpkin, carrot and peach. Eating this will nourish your skin and hair.

Yellow color

You can include things like papaya, pineapple, lemon, mango, corn and tati in yellow colored food. It is rich in bromelain and papain. This element keeps the digestive system strong.

Green color

Green fruits and vegetables have always been considered a treasure of nutrition. Foods of this color are rich in folate and iron. All leafy vegetables are rich in this nutrient.

blue color

Fruit vegetables like brinjal, jambu, black grapes lead this color. Foods of this color increase the mental strength of children. It contains elements like anthocyanin, resvetrol which makes the immune system strong and keeps the digestive system healthy.

white color

There are also many fruits and vegetables that are white in color. Which includes onion, garlic, cabbage, banana. It is high in fiber and also contains potassium.


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