Before heading out into the 45-degree summer heat, try these tips to avoid the loo.

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Dt. 17 April 2023, Wednesday

The summer heat has been beating everyone in the state for some time now. And there is a fear of getting caught if you go out. But if we are aware of it before then our health will be good. In which some people advise to keep onions in the pocket when leaving the house. But keeping an onion in your pocket doesn't make you feel really bad. Or is there any other solution to avoid loo. So yes, just now a doctor has given this wise advice to avoid loo.

Ayurvedic Remedies to Avoid Loo

According to the doctor, onions contain a chemical called quercetin. This chemical blocks histamine. Because of this, his role is necessary to escape from the loo. Thus hia stroke or one who has had a loo. In it, eating onion provides essential benefits. It is also mentioned in Ayurvedic books. And by eating onion mixed with cumin powder and honey in it, one can get rid of loo. For this, by frying cumin and onion and making powder of it and mixing it with honey, consuming it can avoid getting diarrhea, but just keeping onions in the pocket cannot prevent diarrhea.

Keep drinking 3 to 4 liters of water a day

By using this onion, one can get protection against loo, but along with it, every person should take care of two-three things in the heat. In which the amount of water should not be reduced. One should keep drinking water especially in summer. That means at least 3 to 4 liters of water should be drunk daily in summer.

Pay special attention to these things

  • One should never step out of the house empty stomach in hot season.
  • If possible in summer, white clothes should be worn every day, not wearing dark colors at all will cause more heat.
  • Carry an umbrella whenever you go out in the heat
  • Cover your body with cotton cloth in summer
  • Eat more seasonal fruits and salads.


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