This serious kidney disease can be caused due to increasing heat, if this symptom appears, be alert

Image Source: FREEPIK

Navi Mumbai, dt. 29 May 2023, Monday

People in North India are in bad condition due to heat. But do you know, this heat can also worsen the condition of your kidneys. Especially poor people working as laborers are suffering from dehydration. Most of the laborers in this ailment are people who spend the whole day working on the road in the scorching heat. The risk of kidney stones increases significantly in summer. That is why it is necessary to follow some special precautions.

Suffering from dehydration

Kidney is a very important part of our body. which cleanses the impurities of the whole body. The month of June-July is not good for our kidneys. Due to lack of water in the body, kidney stones gradually start forming.

Urinary track infection

The number of stone patients has increased significantly in the last two months. The number of patients with urinary tract infection and kidney failure has increased. Rising temperatures have also led to an increase in the number of prostate cancers among the elderly. That is why the doctor has advised to drink plenty of water. The number of stone patients has increased by thirty percent since last two months.

Kidney problems

As the temperature rises, the body sweats a lot. Our body starts sweating profusely. 60 percent of the body is water. When 30 percent of the water in the cell begins to decrease, a complaint of dehydration occurs.

Infection in the toilet

Heat causes infection in the toilet, in which small particles of oxalate, phosphate, urate, uric acid and amino acids begin to accumulate in the kidney. Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men.


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