World Hypertension Day: Know the symptoms of hypertension and how to prevent it

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 17 May 2023 Wednesday

Every year today i.e. 17th May the World Hypertension Day is celebrated globally. This day is observed so that blood pressure can be measured on time and people can be made aware of the importance of knowing its normal level.

Most of the people suffer from hypertension i.e. high blood pressure. If it is not controlled in time, it can prove to be fatal. According to the report of the World Health Organization, hypertension is not only found in the elderly but it affects about 1 in 4 people between the ages of 20 and 44. During the last 30 years, the cases of hypertension have increased by about 97 percent.

Hypertension has a serious effect on the heart

According to a doctor, hypertension has a serious effect on the heart. Due to the increased pressure on the blood pump, the heart muscles begin to enlarge and the blood reaches the body very slowly. Meanwhile, the patient begins to suffer from oxygen deficiency and breathing difficulties, which greatly increases the risk of heart attack. In order to keep the heart healthy, we need to maintain a stress-free lifestyle and also control the blood pressure so that we do not fall prey to hypertension.

Exercise regularly and adopt a healthy lifestyle

Hypertension affects our heart in a very fatal way and we need to be very careful during this. It is also very important to recognize the symptoms such as headache, dizziness, fatigue and lethargy, increased heart rate, chest pain, rapid breathing and shortness of breath, blurred vision due to mental stress, insufficient sleep and improper eating and drinking. happens Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, exercise regularly and adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent hypertension. Along with this, if any serious symptoms associated with hypertension appear, the doctor should be contacted immediately.


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