Avoid eating these vegetables in monsoon otherwise there is a possibility of health deterioration

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 26 June 2023 Monday

People are looking forward to monsoon as this is the season which gives relief from the heat. Monsoon may bring relief from the scorching heat but during this season the risk of many diseases increases and some vegetables also start to get worms.

As soon as the rainy season comes, you should stay away from green vegetables like spinach, fenugreek etc. Because small green worms come in it. These worms are often colored leaves, which are not even visible.

Apart from green leafy vegetables, cauliflowers, cauliflowers should also be avoided as they are prone to worms during the rainy season. You should also avoid eating mushrooms in monsoons as eating them carries the risk of infection, which will cause vomiting and stomach aches. You should also not eat Shimla pepper during the rainy season as it may also contain worms.


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