Follow these 11 tips to reduce screen time, know its benefits

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 16 June 2023 Friday

Most people who work from home are feeling that their entire day is spent in front of a screen. First he works on the computer all day and then meets on Zoom or watches TV for entertainment. They are always in front of the screen. During the epidemic, people did not go out of the house and even in winter, going out of the house has become less. Meanwhile, with devices and screen time is increasing. So controlling screen time is very important as too much screen time can lead to eye problems and headaches. Insomnia, depression and anxiety are also feared.

1. Be kind to yourself

If you are working from home, you can't completely stay away from the screen as it helps with meeting and talking with colleagues along with work. But you should try to minimize screen time, such as staying away from screens during breaks.

2. Where-how much time you use

If you want to change your habits, first take a week to notice where you spend your time. It will let you know how much time you spend in front of your computer and mobile screen. For this you can also take help of timing app. Also note the TV time. Then look at things you can easily cut back on, such as online shopping, spending more time on Twitter.

3. Match screen time to your priorities

Not all screen time is equal. So be aware of what work is necessary for your work and personal life. You may need to make a video call at home but you can give up the habit of looking at Instagram pictures.

4. What tasks can be done without a screen

You can talk to your colleagues on phone calls. If you want to give a training, you can often make a video of it telling people on Zoom. If there is work to be done thinking or strategizing, you can stay away from the computer screen.

5. Turn off notifications

We all keep a lot of notification settings on and often get startled when the phone vibrates. So notifications should never be on during or after work. This often distracts you and takes more time to work. So keep all notifications off except for your boss and the most-essential people.

6. Break screen free

Take a screen-free break every 40 minutes even while working. Instead of reading Facebook or Google news in the break, take a short walk and stay away from the screen completely whenever you are having breakfast or eating.

7. Go for a walk outside the house.

8. Create a device free area in your home. Especially there should be no gadgets in the sleeping room.

9. Look at one screen at a time. Do not watch TV or mobile while working.

10. Play a game that allows you to get away from technology.

11. Learn to use social media minimally.


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