Does eating small meals every 2 hours keep weight under control instead of eating full at one time? Know the facts
Image Source: Freepik
Ahmedabad. 24 July 2023 Monday
Weight control has become a common thing these days. Meanwhile, to control weight immediately, health experts first advise that instead of eating at one time, eat little by little. On the other hand, it is not possible to do that because you have to eat healthy food every two hours without any problem. Most people cannot do this.
It is not possible for every thing to benefit every man. People who have a very good and strong metabolism can benefit greatly if they eat at a gap of 2 hours, but this method is not suitable for people who have digestive problems. They may suffer from indigestion. Doing this can cause gas problems in some people. So those who get stomach problems from doing this should not do it. Eating with a 2 hour gap is not beneficial for everyone.
Is it right to avoid overeating?
Eat every two hours to avoid overeating. Because eating too much at one time leads to weight gain. This makes it difficult for the body to digest and burn calories. As a result, energy is converted into fat. For weightloss it is better to eat at small intervals as it cannot convert energy into fat. However, people who have problems with intestines and intestinal dysbiosis should not eat frequently. Because when the amount of insulin in the body increases, then such people become pre-diabetic and do not become physically active.
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