How many calories will be burned by walking 6 kilometers a day? That's all it takes to lose weight fast

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Dt. 23 July 2023, Sunday

If you are suffering from excess weight then you should walk 6 km daily. It will burn some calories. Or if someone wants to lose weight quickly, get detailed information about how much to walk every day.

Nowadays, many types of diseases are getting home due to the sedentary life of the people. Time should be taken for it. Walking is a good form of exercise, but people usually overlook walking. People think that walking does not lead to weight loss but if it was true then people would not take walking seriously. But if followed properly, you will see a difference in weight within a month. But for that first of all we have to know how long we have to walk every day and also at what speed we should walk. It is also necessary to know about it.

Walking is a great way to stay physically active

According to experts in this regard, walking is the best way to stay physically active. Walking can not only reduce weight but it can keep the body fit in many ways. Daily walking significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Burns extra calories every day. Problems associated with respiratory diseases are relieved and endorphin hormones are also relieved and the mood is also improved. However, there is a difference between walking for work or shopping and walking for weight loss.

If you walk for 1 hour every day, so many calories will be reduced

According to experts, walking burns more calories than you think. As far as how many calories you burn walking a long distance or walking for an hour, it all depends on your weight, metabolism, speed and willingness to walk. Normally walking 1.6 km burns 100 calories. But for this it is also necessary to do some exercise. For brisk exercise one should walk at a faster pace. It should be at least 6 km per hour while you are walking. The faster you walk in it, the more calories you burn. If you walk at a speed of 6 kilometers in 1 hour, 100 to 130 calories will be burned.


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