Serious diseases like backache can be caused by your bed, keep these things in mind while sleeping

Image: Freepik

New delhi date. 29 July 2023, Saturday

A fit lifestyle is essential for good health. If you get back pain even after eating well and getting enough sleep, you need to keep these things in mind. According to experts, which side you face while sleeping is important, it has a lot of effect on the body. Due to wrong sleep you get gas in stomach, heartburn, sour belching can be difficult for you. If you also have this problem, you should use a thicker pillow.


Health experts believe that whenever you suffer from heartburn and gas problems, you should sleep with the pillow elevated. It will relieve you from the heartburn complaint.

If there is pain in the stomach, sleeping on the back is very beneficial. Keep the head up. For this you can use a high pillow. Doing this can reduce stomach pain. This will give you a good fill. This will also help you get rid of flatulence.

Varicose veins problem

In the disease of varicose veins there is a lot of stress on the blood cells, in such a situation you should sleep with the pillow down. Sleeping with a pillow helps in blood circulation. There is a lot of relief in inflammation.

High BP

Due to high BP problem, the body becomes weak and lethargic. This causes a lot of damage to your health. In this position, sleep with a pillow between your legs. Blood circulation remains normal and BP remains low.

Sciatica pain

Blood circulation dries up in sciatica pain. Spinal pain begins. To get rid of it, one should sleep with a pillow between the legs. By doing this, the pain starts to subside.


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