Worrying! 300 types of worms in humans, causing brain-lung and bone damage

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Dt. 12 July 2023, Wednesday

About 350 crore people in the world have worms (insects) living in their stomachs. Due to which lakhs of people die every year. According to the American Health Agency Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are about 300 types of worms in the human body. 70 percent of these species are only protozoan insects.

Because of this, some worms (worms) cannot be seen with the naked eye

According to one doctor in Mumbai, these parasitic worms make people suffer from serious diseases. The risk of infection with these worms increases especially during the rainy season. In which some worms cannot be seen with the naked eye. So some can grow up to 80 feet long inside the human body.

The eggs of this worm were extracted from the stomach of a 3200-year-old mummy

These worms have been sucking human blood for 15 thousand years. This attacks the brain and damages the bones and joints. In one report, the eggs of this worm were extracted from the stomach of a 3200-year-old mummy. The eggs of this worm have appeared in Peru from a quarter of 4,000 years old human disturbance.

Innumerable different types of worms have made their home in the human body

According to biomedical journal, 15 thousand years ago, humans left Africa and reached different parts of the world during the ice age. During this period innumerable types of worms have made their home in the human body. Slavery and the slave trade from Africa also caused the parasite to spread its infection among people.

80 percent of the world's population has blood-sucking worms in their stomachs

Sometimes they also live in the soil and reach the human body as soon as they get a chance. Experts claim that 80 percent of the world's people have these worms in their stomachs, but most people don't know about it.

Especially these worms harm children more

According to a research, mostly children are victims of this worm. Due to this, children suffer from malnutrition. Due to this, the development of children's body is stunted. During this time, these worms also leave their faeces in the body of children. So there is damage in the intestines and blood is slowly coming out.

Know how to avoid these worms

  • Always wash your hands with soap before eating or drinking anything, including after going to the toilet.
  • Always drink bottled or boiled water or mineral water of RO. Never drink open water outside.
  • Such worms can also make a home in one's own pets, which should be regularly given to kill them.
  • Fruits and vegetables should never be consumed unwashed.
  • Keep children's play area and toilet area clean, also keep children from walking barefoot.
  • Get a checkup with a doctor once in every 3 to 6 months.
  • Take deworming medicine as advised by the doctor.


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