Do not ignore these symptoms that appear in the body, it is a sign of weak bones

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Ahmedabad. 17 August 2023 Thursday

Strong bones are a sign of your health and good lifestyle. Strong bones beautify our body structure as well as protect our organs. However, as we age, the width of our bones gradually decreases, making them more prone to fractures and breaks. Osteoporosis is a condition where the fluid inside the bones starts to decrease. Due to which the bones start to weaken.

Frequent fractures

One of the most easily seen symptoms of weak bones is frequent fractures or breaks from common injuries or falls. Individuals with weak bones may fracture easily and this injury may take longer to heal than expected.

Decrease in height

Over time the bone begins to shrink and due to this the width of the bone decreases. Spinal cord compression can occur in the spinal cord, causing height loss. If you feel that your height is decreasing, you should start taking care of your bone health.

back pain

Persistent back pain, especially in the middle or lower back, can be a warning sign of weak bones. As the bones of the spine lose their strength, the vertebrae can fracture, resulting in chronic pain and limited mobility. Identifying the cause of the pain and treating it promptly can help prevent further complications.

Broken nails

The health of your nails can provide information about the health of your bones. Weak and brittle nails can indicate a deficiency of essential minerals such as calcium and vitamin D. Which is important for bone strength. By paying attention to the condition of your nails, you can prevent nutritional deficiencies that can affect your bone health.

Shrinkage of gums

Just as bones can weaken, so can the jawbone. Receding gums or loose teeth indicate weak jawbones. It can be a result of periodontal disease or a deficiency in bone density in the jaw. Maintaining good oral hygiene and promptly addressing any dental problems can help maintain jawbone health.

Poor posture

If you find yourself slouching or having difficulty maintaining proper posture, this may be linked to bone weakness. Weak bones can affect the alignment of the spine's bones, causing changes in posture and increasing the risk of fractures and spinal deformities. Practicing exercises that promote core strength and posture can help reduce stress on your bones.

Decreased grip strength

Decreased grip strength can be a subtle sign of weakening of the hand and wrist bones. However, various factors such as aging and muscle weakness can be attributed to this.


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