If you also have problems with acidity throughout the day, then you may be deficient in this vitamin

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 25 August 2023 Friday

If you suffer from acidity and have regular sour belches, apart from diet and lifestyle, this may also be related to your stomach. This acidity becomes more when you have stomach related problems. Excess production of stomach acid which is left over after digestion of food and this appears as sour belching. Vitamin B12 deficiency may play a different role in this condition. This affects the acid production in your body and can cause these stomach related problems.

Does B12 deficiency cause acidity?

According to a research, there is a link between chest inflammation and vitamin B-12 deficiency. Sour belching and acidity actually come under gastroesophageal reflux disease. When your body is deficient in B-12, the absorption of acid in the body can stop, which can lead to belching and acidity. If something is being produced in the body and the body is not absorbing it, it starts accumulating.

Apart from this, B-12 is also associated with H-2-receptor blockers that help control acid production. Deficiency of this in the body leads to gastric acid in the blood which can lead to acid reflux condition.

How to Avoid Vitamin B12 Deficiency

We can prevent vitamin B12 deficiency by consuming foods and beverages containing vitamin B12. For this we can consume red meat, fish, meat, eggs, milk and other dairy products. All these contain good amount of vitamin B12. So if the acidity is high then you should see the doctor and try to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency.


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