This eye disease can weaken eyesight at a young age, know its symptoms

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 28 August 2023 Monday

Eyes are called precious because without them life becomes very difficult. Meanwhile, eye-related diseases should be checked first, but many times people are careless about eye health, due to which the eyes become weak prematurely or their light is lost later. One such disease related to the eyes is one in which due to negligence the patient loses the eyesight permanently. This disease is called glaucoma. Smoking, staring at screens for long periods of time and negligence are causing a large number of people to suffer from glaucoma these days.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye problem in which the optic nerve of the eye is damaged and the vision begins to decrease. This optic nerve, related to the eye, sends information about a scene to our brain, and through it we can work to recognize an object. Meanwhile, if due to some reason the optic nerve is put under pressure and it becomes weak or damaged, the ability to recognize things becomes weak and the eyesight begins to decrease. Although so far it is said about glaucoma that it happens more to people who are older i.e. after sixty years but

In the past few years, glaucoma has started to take its toll on people of all ages and even children. People who have diabetes are at a higher risk of glaucoma.

Symptoms of Glaucoma

To prevent glaucoma, it is important to recognize its symptoms. Symptoms of glaucoma include prolonged pressure and pain in the eyes. Apart from this, the patient also has headache along with pain in the eyes. One sees rainbow-like objects around the illumination. The sight starts to weaken. Along with this, redness appears in the eyes of the person all the time. If such symptoms are visible, check-up should be done with an eye doctor within 6 months.


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