Why should not drink water while eating? Know the reason

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 25 August 2023 Friday

The body needs to drink plenty of water to stay healthy. Every adult should drink 2-3 liters of water every day. Along with drinking plenty of water, you should also know the right time to drink water as drinking water at the wrong time can affect your health. Many people have a habit of drinking water during meals. They eat one spider and drink water in between.

According to health experts, drinking water while eating has negative effects. It has a very bad effect on digestion. If you have a habit of drinking water frequently during meals, it can cause you many types of physical problems. During digestion, the acid present in our stomach works to break down the food but when you drink water while eating, it dilutes the acid present in the stomach too much, which affects digestion badly.

Drinking water while eating food makes it very difficult to break down food and also makes it difficult to absorb nutrients. However, many studies have also said that drinking water during or after meals does not have any adverse effects on the body. However, many people have experienced that drinking water while eating can lead to acidity problems. Not only that, many people also experience the problem of gaining weight.

Why should you not drink water immediately after a meal?

1. Weight gain

2. Obesity

3. Problems related to digestion

4. Stomach gas problem

5. Indigestion

6. Bloating

7. Acidity

8. Heartburn

9. Sugar

When should you drink water after meals?

According to experts, it takes 2 hours to digest food. So water should be drunk two hours after eating food. If you have a habit of drinking water immediately after eating, then only one sip of water should be consumed. If you drink water at the right time, your weight will always be healthy. Digestion will also be strong. Acidity and gas problem will also not occur.


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