Eating too much sour food can harm you in this way

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 18 September 2023 Monday

Some people consume sour things in their food like lemon, pickle or tamarind. Sour food can imbalance the pH level and function of all the organs in your body. Our body has an acid level and a basic level, when you eat sour food, it creates an imbalance between the two and damages many organs, which can quickly lead to many problems in the body.

What is the harm of eating too much sour food?

1. Decreases calcium

Eating too much sour food reduces calcium in the body. This causes calcium to flow through the urine along with water and damage the bones. This gradually weakens the bones. Apart from this, it can cause the problem of arthritis and osteoporosis.

2. Weakens teeth

Too much acidic food weakens and damages the layers of your teeth. This causes the teeth to weaken from within. A toothache can occur at any time or the tooth can quickly deteriorate and break. Also, the problem of tooth decay can increase rapidly.

3. Harms good bacteria

Too much sour food harms the good bacteria. Not only this, it also disturbs the pH of the stomach and causes many problems. Such as indigestion, stomach pain, constipation, nausea may occur. Apart from this, digestion may also deteriorate and you may be constantly bothered by problems like sour belching.


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