Fatty liver patients should consume these 4 vegetable juices, herbs will do the job

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 19 September 2023 Tuesday

Liver related diseases are increasing due to bad diet and lifestyle. The condition is that the level of cholesterol and triglyceride in the body is increasing and due to this the health of arteries and liver cells is affected. Not only bad fats are accumulating in the liver cells and affecting its functions. Apart from this, due to this condition for a long time, you may also develop fatty liver disease. Meanwhile, drinking the juice of these vegetables can act as a detoxifying agent and keep your liver healthy.

Which juice to drink to keep the liver healthy

1. Karela

Karela juice is thus considered good for diabetic patients but its consumption is also beneficial for liver patients. Karela helps to cleanse your liver. It can protect against liver failure by strengthening the anti-oxidant activity of enzymes in the liver.

2. Ginger

Ginger contains gingerol which is an antioxidant that can help prevent many liver related diseases. Apart from this it detoxifies the accumulated dirt in the cells and it accelerates the enzyme activities which helps in detoxifying the liver. So you can also drink ginger juice. Its heat will dissolve the dirt accumulated in the liver.

3. Lemon

Drink lemon juice, it helps to clean the dirt accumulated in the liver cells. It is rich in vitamin C and citric acid and helps in detoxifying the accumulated cells in the liver. Apart from this, it also increases the function of the liver, so lemon juice should be consumed to keep the liver healthy.

4. Beat

Beet juice is rich in high fiber and roughage and this increases the metabolic rate of the stomach. Apart from this it helps in the production of enzymes which can help detox the liver. It also keeps your liver cells healthy and helps prevent liver related diseases.


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