It is necessary to take care of these things to avoid heart related diseases which are increasing nowadays

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 26 September 2023 Tuesday

People in their 40s are considered young. People who are 60 years old are called old but in some years due to improper lifestyle and eating habits people are falling prey to heart disease. Nowadays, people are falling prey to many types of serious diseases at the age of 40. Before the age of 60, most people were at risk of heart disease. Now at the age of 40 most people fall victim to heart attack.

In the past several years, from actors in their 40s to the common man has fallen prey to heart attacks. Most of the people are dying at a young age due to heart related diseases.

According to doctors and health experts, cases of heart attack are increasing in India these days. Young men in their 20s and women in their 30s are also dying of heart attacks. Many people are admitted to the emergency ward due to heart disease. Indians are getting heart attacks earlier than Europeans. The biggest reason behind it is considered to be improper lifestyle and sleeping pattern. At the same time, the current generation lives under a lot of stress. Due to which they have to face diseases like diabetes and obesity at a young age. Because of this, the risk of heart attack has increased in the youth.

It is necessary to take care of these things

- Whatever you eat, keep the calories under control so that you do not become a victim of obesity.

- Require physical activity or exercise.

- Eat more fruits and vegetables, so that your body gets enough nutrients.

- Include all grains in your diet.

- Eat more protein in meals.

- Avoid the use of artificial sugar.

- Reduce the use of salt.


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