These various diseases including cancer are hidden in the nails, if your nails look like this, be careful

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Dt. 11 September 2023, Monday

Whenever we get sick, we go to the doctor. The doctor first checks our nails, tongue and eyes. In fact, the secret of many diseases is hidden in the nails. Until there are signs of terrible diseases like cancer in the nails. Usually, the nail color is slightly reddish. But when the color of the nails becomes discolored, then understand that someone needs some trouble. Changing the color and shape of the nails means that there are signs of some disease.

Due to the change in the color of the nails, there can be diseases related to the liver, lungs and heart, so if the color of the nails changes, it should never be ignored. In such a situation, you should go to the doctor immediately.

1. Darkening of nails

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, dark streaks in fingernails or toenails can be a sign of skin cancer. A dark streak means a dark streak or black line in the hands or feet, or in the nails, may be melanoma. This disease is called acral lentiginous melanoma in medical language.

2 Raise the nail part

If the upper part of the nail starts to lift and its color starts to turn white or change to another color, then this is a sign of some diseases. If this type of nail is seen, it can be caused by fungal infection or psoriasis or injuries.

3 Swelling or redness around the nail

If there is swelling or redness around the nail, this is a sign of infection. In which the doctor treats you with antibiotics.

4. Normal green color

If the color of the nails is slightly greenish, it means that there is a deadly attack of bacteria in the nails. If it is not treated immediately, the damage will be very severe and it is difficult to recover from it.

5. Fingernails to be pointed

If the color of the nails becomes normal white, along with it there are spots on the nails, then this can lead to psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and alopecia areata.


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