Adopt this Ayurvedic recipe to stay healthy in winter season, immunity will be strong

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 16 October 2023 Monday

Winter is slowly starting. Diseases increase in such a season. Cold-cough problem is very common. Problems like influenza, sinusitis, tonsillitis also occur in this season due to weakening of immunity. Meanwhile if you don't want to get sick in winter then Ayurveda helps you. There are some recipes that can protect you from diseases by strengthening your immunity.


Ayurveda advises meditation and yoga in life to keep the body stress-free and the mind calm. Doing yoga regularly gives physical strength. It also relieves mental stress. There are even many yoga poses that work to boost your immunity tremendously. Doing Pranayama daily also increases immunity.

Ayurvedic actions

There are also some Ayurvedic procedures that can boost immunity. Applying oil or coconut oil or ghee in the nostrils in the morning and evening is considered beneficial. Apart from this oil pulling therapy is also considered very good. Put one spoon of oil or coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for two to three minutes and then wash your mouth with warm water. This action is also helpful in boosting the immune system.

Consuming herbs

There are also some Ayurvedic herbs in winter, which can strengthen immunity if consumed daily. It includes turmeric milk, ashwagandha, tulsi and many Ayurvedic herbs.


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