If a child has frequent fevers, don't be careless, this virus can be fatal, know what experts say

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Dt. 10 October 2023, Tuesday

Health: Due to the change in the environment, various diseases are being seen across the country. From children to adults, everyone is suffering from fever. Every day government hospitals as well as private hospitals are crowded with patients. Even so, this month of Bhadrava is called the month of illnesses. One should be very careful about food and drink in this month. Otherwise, once caught in the grip of viral fever, it is difficult to escape.

Mostly young children are becoming victims of viral

According to doctors, due to the change in the environment, the number of people suffering from viral fever is increasing across the country. According to him, three types of viral are currently running. In which this virus affects young children quickly. So every parent should take proper care of children. Currently afternoons are hot and early mornings are cool. Special care should be taken to ensure that children do not become victims of viral infections.

It is advised to take the child to the doctor immediately if he develops fever

According to the doctor, children are currently suffering from a different type of viral fever. In which parents often use paracetamol or crocin kept at home. But in the current viral fever, this medicine does not work properly. So, after checking with the doctor, he advises to give medicine. Symptoms of this fever include body aches, headache, irritability, swelling. So do not be careless in this viral fever. Even a little carelessness can put the child's life in danger. Otherwise some other problem will be faced after that.

Pay more attention to cleanliness in food and drink

It is advised not to give too much junk food to children according to the season. Pay special attention to their diet. Apart from this, dengue cases are also increasing at present. Keeping this in mind, do not allow water to flood anywhere near you. If you have a cooler in your home, it should be changed periodically. So that dengue virus is not generated.


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