This fruit found in winter is a boon for diabetic patients, sugar level remains under control

Image Source: Twitter

Ahmedabad. 21 November 2023 Tuesday

Diabetic patients have to take special care of their diet. Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. Patients suffering from this disease have to pay special attention to their food and drink. Even a little carelessness in food can become a big problem for them. Many times a diabetic patient gets frustrated with food. But there is one fruit which is full of flavor and also very beneficial for diabetic patients. You can control your sugar by consuming it.

Antlers are found in winter

As soon as the winter season starts, hornets start selling in the market. It is called water chestnut or water caltrop in English. It is generally used in fasting food. This not only tastes delicious in food but is also considered very beneficial for health. Nutrient-rich corn contains calcium, vitamin-A, C, carbohydrates, protein in abundance. Thus, the horn can be eaten raw. You can consume it by boiling it, frying it, making it into a pickle or making it as a vegetable, but do you know that this fruit is also very beneficial for diabetics.

Shingoda is effective for diabetic patients

Shingoda contains a large amount of fiber. Shingoda has a low glycemic index. It does not raise the blood sugar level quickly, which is very beneficial for diabetic patients. Consuming more fiber in the diet prevents constipation, lowers blood cholesterol, controls blood sugar levels and makes the gut healthy.

These problems also have a worker

Regular consumption of Shingoda keeps the blood sugar level under control. Shingoda is effective in asthma, acidity, gas, indigestion. It also strengthens the bones. Also, consumption of shingoda is beneficial for pregnant women.


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