This serious skin disease can be caused due to air pollution

New delhi date. 9 November 2023, Thursday

Delhi's toxic air and bad eating habits have increased the risk of several skin-related diseases. According to health experts, air pollution increases the risk of skin diseases along with respiratory diseases. This air pollution can also cause skin diseases. If there are red spots and rashes on the skin, it is also called urticaria.

Air pollution causes this serious skin disease.

Red marks on the skin, itching are all symptoms of urticaria. According to experts, bad eating habits and air pollution are the cause of this disease.

Symptoms of the disease

This disease is directly related to skin diseases and wrong eating habits. In this disease, first of all, itching and rashes appear on the skin, due to which the skin starts to itch. If it increases a lot and bothers you, definitely consult a doctor at once. According to health experts, anyone can get urticaria. This can happen to a young child, a 20-year-old, or a 40-year-old.

Is disease related to pollution?

According to health experts, if you already have any allergies, exposure to air pollution can aggravate them. So, if necessary, wear a mask and keep drinking plenty of water. Due to which your body parts will not get damaged.

A genetic problem

If someone has allergies in their family, there is every possibility that that person will also suffer from it. If you are experiencing any of these problems on your skin, consult a doctor first.


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