Vitamin B12: If there is B12 deficiency after the age of 20, then here is the best remedy for it

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Dt. 13 November 2023, Monday

Vitamin B12 deficiency is said to be very dangerous for health. Deficiency of B12 leads to weakening of the veins. In which its effect is seen on the eye, brain and various parts of the body. If there is too much deficiency, the body becomes like a skeleton.

According to doctors, there can be different reasons for Vitamin B12 deficiency. According to a doctor, Vitamin B12 is normally produced by the bacteria in our intestines. 5 remedies must be tried for that.

Tips to Overcome Vitamin B12 Deficiency

1. Consume fruits and vegetables

Increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. It contains fiber which reduces pre-biotics. Prebiotics are like food and nutrition for the healthy bacteria in the gut, and their numbers begin to grow.

2. Start eating tubers in abundance

Vegetables like beets, radishes, carrots, turnips are considered a source of vitamin B12. These vegetables grown in the ground are good for gut health. One thing to keep in mind is that while eating it, instead of leaving the peel completely, remove the top layer and consume it.

3. Fermented foods

Fermented foods like pickles, curds and rice are rich in probiotics. Probiotics are tiny bacteria that are beneficial for gut health.

4. Follow a circadian rhythm

After the age of 20 you should make some rules like fixing your sleeping, waking up and eating times, as this routine affects your digestion, thereby preventing vitamin B12 deficiency. Circadian rhythms support the health of the pancreas and stomach.


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