Adulterated ghee : Genuine- fake ghee test can be done using water

Image Envato

Dt. 13 December 2023, Wednesday

Nowadays, both genuine and fake items are available in the market, so it becomes very difficult for us to identify them. Today we are talking about how to identify fake ghee as many of these types of food items are confused. How to test the fake ghee available in the market.

Real-fake ghee can be identified by using only water

Pure ghee is not only essential for health but also for keeping the body fit. But today, a large amount of fake ghee is available in the market. In such cases, we have no idea how to identify genuine ghee. But let us tell you that only by using water can you know that ghee is genuine and fake.

This is how genuine fake ghee can be identified

1. Genuine Desi Ghee can be identified by water. For that you take water in a bowl and put two to three drops of desi ghee in it. If the ghee sinks down in the water, then know that it is fake, and if it floats in the water, then know that this ghee is genuine.

2. You can test it by putting ghee in your palm. For that just keep desi ghee on your palm for 5-6 minutes. If after 5 to 10 minutes it smells sweet, then understand that this ghee is genuine, but if it gives off a strange smell, then understand that this is fake ghee.

3. Ghee can also be boiled to know whether it is linseed or fake. For that you just boil two to three tablespoons of desi ghee and then keep it aside for 24 hours. If it smells and looks grainy, then understand that this ghee is genuine, but if it smells, then understand that this is fake ghee.


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