Troubled by gray hair? So using amla in this way can be beneficial

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 11 December 2023 Monday

There are many reasons behind graying of hair, some of the reasons are natural, sometimes the use of chemical products from the sun and not taking proper care of the hair can also lead to graying of hair. Meanwhile you can use amla to darken the hair once again. Amla is rich in vitamin C. It can be used to treat different hair problems. Using amla removes dandruff from hair, reduces hair loss. The hair becomes thicker and the hair shines. Due to the presence of vitamin C in amla, it can be useful in darkening prematurely gray hair.

Acid to blacken white hair

Tamarind and lemon juice

Amla can also be consumed to darken white hair, but amla can be applied externally on the hair in different ways. Tamarind and lemon juice have a good effect in turning white hair black. For this, prepare a paste by mixing tamarind powder with lemon juice and warm water. Apply this paste from the root of the hair to the head and wash the head after half to an hour. Applying this hair mask once or twice a month will help in making hair black.

Tamarind and coconut oil

Amla leaves can also make hair black. For this take tamarind leaves and boil them and then grind them. After that add coconut oil to this paste. Apply this on the hair well and wash off after half to an hour. The effect will start to appear.

Tamarind oil

Regular application of amaranth oil on hair can also cause black hair. For this, dry the amla in the sun. After that take coconut oil in a bowl and add dried tamarind in it and start cooking. After the oil boils well, remove it. Applying this oil on the hair causes the hair to turn black from the roots.


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