Walnuts Benefit: How many walnuts should be eaten in 1 day? Know its benefits

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 26 December 2023 Tuesday

Nuts and seeds are very beneficial for health. Walnut is eaten in almost every household. Mothers feed their children mainly walnuts and almonds. Nuts contain many types of nutrients. It is a good source of protein, fat. Walnuts are also eaten for calcium and iron. Walnuts contain unsaturated fats, which help prevent cardiovascular diseases. So we need to eat walnuts. However, the question is how many walnuts should be eaten in a day.

How many walnuts should be eaten in a day?

Thus, walnuts are beneficial for health and you can consume them daily. However, your health condition determines how many walnuts you should eat in a day and for how many days you should consume them. Thus, why you are consuming walnuts is also important. If you want to reduce cholesterol, you can consume 30 to 60 grams of walnuts per day. You can make your heart healthy by lowering cholesterol levels. So if you don't have any health problem then you can consume it daily.

Benefits of eating walnuts

Walnuts are rich in many nutrients. Consuming it can provide you with many health benefits.

Healthy for the stomach

Walnuts are proven to be helpful in reducing stomach related problems. Walnuts contain healthy bacteria, which help maintain good gut health. Apart from this, it also contributes in reducing obesity, heart disease.

Walnuts reduce the risk of cancer

According to experts, consumption of walnut can reduce the risk of many serious diseases like breast cancer, prostate cancer. Walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties that promote good health.

Reduces weight

Consuming walnuts helps control hunger. It prevents you from overeating which helps in weight control. Walnuts can also be used to prevent insulin, control blood sugar and reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.

Active for the brain

Aging can often lead to memory loss. Along with this, fatal diseases like Alzheimer's are also a gift of advancing age. The risk of these brain-related diseases can also be reduced by consuming walnuts. Walnuts help reduce oxidative stress and reduce inflammation in the nervous system. Walnuts have antioxidant properties, which are beneficial for health.


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