Eating curd in winter is harmful or not? Find out what the experts said

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Ahmedabad. 10 January 2024 Wednesday

People completely change their food and dress during winter days. During this time people often hesitate to eat cold things. Curd is also included in this list. Eating curd in winter is very harmful to the body but is this true?.

Should you eat yogurt?

Yogurt is rich in good bacteria, vitamins, protein, magnesium, calcium and potassium. It is also the best immunity booster. Eating yogurt keeps you healthy. However, people who have breathing problems should avoid eating curd after 5 pm. However, people who have allergies and asthma may experience the problem of phlegm by eating it.

Should he eat curd if he has a cold?

Experts say that curd is rich in vitamin C. Meanwhile this is considered very good for people suffering from cold. However, care should be taken while eating it that it is at room temperature. Try to eat fresh curd and avoid refrigerated curd in cold weather.

Should you avoid eating curd?

According to Ayurveda, curd should be avoided during winters as it increases secretions from your glands, which increases kapha. Meanwhile, Ayurveda advises to avoid curd consumption during winters and especially at night.


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