Ginger water or tea? Find out what is more beneficial for your health

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 27 January 2024 Saturday

Ginger is one of the most popular vegetables used in Indian cuisine. Ginger forms part of our diet in many ways, from enhancing the flavor of food to making a powerful tea. Apart from enhancing the taste, it is also very beneficial for health. This is the reason why people include it in their diet in many ways. Some people drink ginger tea and some people drink ginger water. However, there is often a question in the mind about both which is better for health.

Ginger tea

Whether it is winter or summer, people love to drink ginger tea. Packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, this tea can prove beneficial in various health conditions. However, this can also harm health. Consuming too much can cause gas, bloating and anxiety.


If you suffer from vata-pitta problems then ginger water can prove beneficial for you. This improves your digestive system and helps relieve bloating. Not only that, if you want to lose weight, ginger water will prove to be very effective. This increases metabolism and reduces food cravings.

Fresh ginger water

Fresh ginger water can be very helpful in relieving you from cold or cough. Not only this, it is also very beneficial for your heart. Being rich in gingerol, fresh ginger water opens up the blood vessels, thereby promoting better circulation and also lowers blood pressure.

However, excessive consumption of tea can cause some side effects. So consume all in limited quantity.


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