Running In Cold Weather: Keep these 6 things in mind while exercising in winter season

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 02 January 2024 Tuesday

As winter comes, laziness also increases among people but there are many people who are active regarding their physical health. It is very important to keep some things in mind while running or exercising in the winter season. Our body gives a signal when there is any problem. Meanwhile if you pay attention to the body you will know where to stop.

If you feel pain in any part of your body while running or working out, you should not ignore it. Along with this, it is necessary to consult a fitness expert before doing any heavy exercise in the winter season.

A warmup is essential

Before running or doing any heavy exercise, it is essential that you do some warm-up. Cold temperatures cause muscles in the body to tighten, increasing the risk of strain and injury. Meanwhile, you need to warm-up so that your heart and body are in an active position.

Layering is essential

While exercising in the cold season, it is essential that you wear good clothes. It is essential that you do layering in such a way that your body stays warm. It is essential that you wear moisture wicking clothes inside. Along with this, wear a waterproof or windproof jacket outside.

Protect hands and feet

While running or exercising in the cold season, be sure to wear gloves on your hands and thermal socks and shoes on your feet to keep your hands and feet warm. Also wear a hat to cover your ears.

Stay hydrated

The weather outside is cold but keeping yourself hydrated is very important. Breathing in the cold season can dehydrate your body. Meanwhile, drink water one hour before or one hour after running.

Listen to your body

It is important that you listen to your body. If you are experiencing any kind of pain, numbness or discomfort in any part of your body while running or exercising, do not put any kind of pressure on your body.

Post-workout recovery

After running, prioritize post-exercise recovery to avoid embarrassment or injury. Stretch for this and use foam rollers or recovery tools to reduce muscle tension.


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