Exercising for hours but not losing weight? 6 big reasons behind it

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 05 February 2024 Monday

A large number of young people work out for hours in the gym every day to lose weight and keep diseases like heart disease, diabetes and blood pressure at bay but still some people do not lose weight.

Exercising for hours but not losing weight?

Inadequate protein intake

Inadequate protein can hinder weight loss by affecting muscle maintenance and appetite, leading to increased snacking and increased food intake.

A sign of some illness

Certain health problems like hypothyroidism, vitamin D or B-12 deficiency can hinder weight loss efforts so periodic medical checkups are necessary.

Processed food habits

High-calorie, low-nutrient processed foods can be a hindrance to weight loss because they are often deficient in essential nutrients. It also does not fill the stomach well.

Insufficient sleep

Inadequate sleep affects hormones related to appetite, which can potentially increase the desire to eat more. So good sleep is advised for good health.

Slow metabolism

A sluggish metabolism can make burning calories efficiently more challenging. This can affect weight loss progress.


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