ICMR releases study, Cancer risk among employed youth

Higher isk of cancer in job emplotees: In today's time mental stress is common among youth. Even so, stress is more common among young people who are engaged. But it will be surprising to know that the risk of cancer is also increasing among working people. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Delhi has stated in its study that one-third of employees are suffering from metabolic syndrome. First of all, what is metabolic syndrome?

What is metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is not a disease. But it's a condition found in people under the age of 5 that doubles the risk of cancer by the time they reach age 65, meaning it's the kind of condition that increases the risk of obesity in the body. The condition of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and uncontrolled cholesterol is called metabolic syndrome. Besides heart diseases, it also increases the risk of diseases like cancer and stroke.

ICMR conducted a study like this

The National Institute of Nutrition under ICMR conducted the study on youth below 30 years of age working in three major IT companies. Surveys reveal that every second employee is overweight or morbidly obese. 6 out of 10 employees had high levels of HDL (cholesterol) which is a risk factor for heart related diseases. In this study, 44.2% of employees were overweight, 16.85% were obese, 3.89% had diabetes and 64.93% had elevated cholesterol levels.

Food and environment and environment responsible

According to the study, youth are mostly employed in sectors like IT and business process outsourcing (BPO), but the food and environment of workplaces make them obese. The study is included in the medical journal MDPI.


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