There are three types of heart attack, recognizing these symptoms at the beginning will save your life

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 31 January 2024 Wednesday

A heart attack can happen to anyone these days...anytime. A heart attack causes sudden, severe pain in the chest. If a person gets treatment at the right time, life can be saved or life can be lost.

ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)

There are many types of heart attack but STEMI is the most serious and fatal. In this heart attack, the coronary artery is completely blocked and the artery becomes blocked and blood clots. The latter requires angioplasty or clot dissolving drugs. After which the blood starts to flow again inside the heart and then the risk of heart failure can be reduced.

This signal is seen in the body before a heart attack

Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)

Anasthemia is also a type of serious heart attack. More than one of which leads to blockage in half of the coronary arteries. Blood cannot reach this blockage properly. Due to which the heart gets damaged a lot. Treatment of anemia requires medication and lifestyle challenges.

Coronary artery spasm

During this third type of heart attack, there is a sudden spasm and strain in the coronary arteries. During this time the blood cannot reach the heart properly. Due to which a heart attack occurs. A heart attack is thus called a coronary artery spasm or variant engine. After a heart attack, drugs are given to widen the blocked blood vessels.

When a heart attack occurs, if medical help is received on time, life can be saved, but you all need to know whether a heart attack has occurred or not. Heart attack symptoms include chest pain accompanied by restlessness, shortness of breath, wrist pain, jaw or back pain. If you are also experiencing any such pain in the body, you should immediately contact the doctor.


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