These myths associated with kidney stones that we take for granted are true, know the facts

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 31 January 2024 Wednesday

North India has the highest number of kidney stone cases in India. Some doctors and health experts have estimated that people from North India have a 10 to 15 percent higher risk of developing kidney stones. There are many types of information on the internet regarding kidney stone but the question arises that one cannot blindly trust every information. Especially health related information cannot be trusted blindly at all.

Many people believe this myth regarding kidney stones to be true

A stone patient should not eat tomato

Whenever the level of potassium in a person's blood starts to increase, then they are not allowed to eat tomato. Tomatoes are also forbidden to eat in other diseases.

Kidney patients should not drink milk

Milk is rich in calcium. So kidney patient should not drink milk. It can increase the disease. According to health experts, kidney patients should drink milk. This prevents the stone from growing. However, a kidney patient is advised to drink a limited amount of milk.

Kidney stone causes back pain

Some people do not feel pain despite having kidney stones. Some people feel pressure on the back when they have difficulty in toileting. Then there is a complaint of severe pain in the back. Apart from all this there is vomiting, blood in urine, burning problem in passing urine. Before doing any kind of home remedies for kidney stones on your own, consult a doctor.


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