Does Onion Lower Uric Acid? Know the right way to eat it

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 24 February 2024 Saturday

An increase in uric acid in the body can cause arthritis. These get deposited between the bones in the form of stones and start to create a gap. It causes inflammation in the joints and the pain becomes severe but it is important to know how uric acid increases. When you eat protein-rich foods, it releases purines as a waste product that gets deposited between the bones and then creates gaps. This then causes inflammation which causes joint pain.

Does onion reduce uric acid?

Onion is a low-purine food. This can help reduce uric acid levels. Onions can help prevent arthritis inflammation. This is due to a flavonoid called quercetin found in onions. which prevents inflammation from triggering. It is also beneficial for the liver and kidneys and can speed up the digestion of purines. So you can eat it in high uric acid.

The right way to eat onions in uric acid

In high uric acid you can eat onion in many ways but be aware that you have to take it actively. It should not be cooked and eaten. Eat raw onions too. You can also eat it as a salad. You drink onion juice. This is helpful in purine digestion. Keeping in mind all these things you can eat onion in high uric acid. Apart from this, onion is beneficial for arthritis and osteoporosis patients. Do not eat onions cooked. Eat it raw or steamed. It will give the body all the benefits.


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