

This mushroom emits a poisonous gas, can take life

Image Wikipedia Dt. 22 January 2023, Sunday Scientists from Taiwan's Academia Sinica have made a new discovery about a species of mushroom called the oyster mushroom. According to scientists, in the 1980s, it was found that this mushroom species is living by hunting small insects. According to a report, scientists conducted an experiment and realized that the specialty of this mushroom is that it neither has arms nor legs. So how does this mushroom hunt itself to survive? To find this out, scientists started further studies and found that this mushroom has a special property that helps it survive. This oyster mushroom has a small lollipop-like structure, which opens upon exposure to a roundworm. When these lollipop-like structures come in contact with insects, they immediately break down and the mushroom releases a highly toxic gas. The effect of this gas is so intense that the digestive system stops working. But there is no need to fear, this mushroom is not harmful to humans.

Healthy drinks beneficial for health as well as beauty

- Meenakshi Tiwari People drink a variety of household beverages for health benefits, some of which even enhance beauty. Turmeric milk Sweetened milk is a drink that relieves joint pain, swelling and relieves cold and cough. Turmeric contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce acne on the face. Pomegranate juice Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants. which reduces inflammation thereby relieving pain. Also consumption of pomegranate juice is beneficial in some types of arthritis. It is an immunity booster and rich in Vitamin C. Its consumption makes the skin shiny. Water of Takamaria Tamarind water keeps blood sugar under control. Helps in weight loss. Also improves digestion and relieves constipation. While in terms of beauty, Takamaria water brightens the skin. Coconut water Coconut water hydrates the body and provides a surprising amount of potassium. Potassium is beneficial for heart rate. It also plays an important role in regulating blood p

If joint pain occurs in winter, eat these 4 things, bones will become strong

Image: Pixabay Ahmedabad, 29 January 2023, Sunday As the winters get colder, many people suffer from joint pain. Joint pain has become common for women and the elderly. Apart from this, the pain of old injuries also continues. Joint pain causes difficulty in sitting or standing. Many times you have to go to the hospital as the joint pain increases. People should always be alert for joint pain even though they may go unnoticed. As the cold increases, so does the pain in the bones. At such times, a healthy diet is very beneficial for joint pain. Include these foods in the diet Including these foods in your diet not only relieves you from pain but also helps keep your bones strong for a long time. According to health experts, if you have a fracture in your bone, you can heal it quickly. Your diet should be rich in elements like calcium, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C. First of all, what is the reason for constant pain? The main cause of joint pain is that after a certain age, the am

Amazingly, doctors at IGMC Shimla removed the brain tumor from the nose without any incision.

Image Envato Shimla, dt. 29 January 2023, Sunday New modern technology usage is increasing day by day. Then the doctors of Shimla in Himachal Pradesh have done amazing work. Doctors in Shimla, using modern technology, removed the brain tumor from the patient's nose without any incision. The doctors of Indira Gandhi Medical College in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh have done this amazingly. In this operation, the skull was first separated from the head So far, doctors of the neuro department had to perform major operations to operate on brain tumors. In which the operation was done by separating the skull from the head. But now doctors have succeeded in removing brain tumor without any incision. In this operation, there is no cauterization, no stitches, and no bleeding. This successful operation was done by Dr. Neurosurgeon Department of IGMC Shimla. Viplo and Dr. Digvijay Singh Thakur did it. After the success of the operation Dr. Viplo and Dr. Digvijay Singh Thakur said that for

Do not take tingling in the hands and feet as normal, there may be a serious illness

Image Envato Dt. 29 January 2023, Sunday Sometimes you have felt tingling in your hands or feet due to sitting for a long time in one place or sleeping on the same side overnight or having a heavy object constantly on your body. Although this is normal but if this process happens frequently with you then it can be a matter of concern as frequent tingling can also be caused by an illness and can damage the nerves of the body, so let's find out more often. There can be various reasons behind the tingling. 1. Diabetes In about 30% of cases of recurrent tingling, diabetes is the cause, almost all diabetic patients have more or less symptoms of tingling, in diabetic patients the tingling first occurs in both feet and then in the hands. However, in such a situation, you may also feel a little tickling and the part falls asleep. Diabetes can be the reason behind all these processes. 2. Deficiency of vitamins Today's hectic life affects our body health the most. Even if your bod

Give this food to the children before the board exam, the brain will be active and it will help in improving the memory

Image Envato Ahmedabad, 29 January 2023 Sunday Board exams for class 10 and 12 are going to start after next few months. In such a situation, it is necessary to pay special attention to their diet, among other things. Give children a healthy diet that keeps their brains active along with nutrition so that they study hard and get good grades. When the board exams come, children as well as their parents are more stressed. Parents of children work hard to ensure that children prepare well for board exams. In the stressful environment of exams, some special things need to be taken care of in children's diet. So that children can prepare well for the exam. Giving kids this kind of diet plan can help them to get good marks in the board. Start the morning with a healthy breakfast Start children's day with a healthy breakfast. Eat things like milk, eggs, oats, muesli, upma, fruit, poha, idli, juice, sprouts instead of puris, parathas and fried foods. This will lower the glycemic

This common habit of men can have serious consequences, know what this habit is

Ahmedabad, Dated, 5 February 2023, Sunday For a long time men kept wallets in their back pockets. This small habit can lead to a disease called 'Piriformis Syndrome'. It is also commonly known as Fat Wallet Syndrome. It is very common for men to always keep their wallets in the back pocket of their jeans. Along with the wallet, there is a habit of keeping cards like money, credit card, debit card in the pocket. You may not know but this habit of yours can have serious consequences. There may also be difficulty in sitting and getting up along with walking. Recently, a 30-year-old man was diagnosed with Fat Wallet Syndrome. In the beginning, he ignored it thinking it was a minor vein disease, but after that many problems and pains in the body continued to increase. For which he did a lot of medicine but there was no difference so he got a checkup with the doctor. After the examination, the doctor said that this person used to keep his purse in his left pocket for 10 hours, so

Mysterious illness outbreak in Guinea, 200 people quarantined with 8 deaths

The outbreak of a new disease has caused a stir in Equatorial Guinea. 8 people have died due to this disease. The health minister there said yesterday that the government is taking concrete steps to get the samples tested. Blood samples have been sent to Gabon for testing. Measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the disease. After the deaths due to this mysterious hemorrhagic fever disease, there is a panic among the people. The Equatorial Guinea administration has quarantined 200 people. Severe impact of this unknown disease in Guinea According to the report, Equatorial Guinea's health minister said the first case of the mysterious illness was reported on February 7. After preliminary investigation, it was found that the disease was affected among the people who participated in the funeral ceremony. What are the symptoms of the disease? Complaints of fever and nosebleed are seen in this disease. It also causes pain in the joints. According to reports, people infecte

If you want to avoid heart attack, follow these tips of Ayurveda, you will never get an attack

Dt. 11 February 2023, Saturday 3000 years ago in India, Maharishi Vagbhatji wrote a book called Ashtanga Hradayam, in which he showed 7000 sutras for curing various diseases. This is one of those heart attacks. Wagbhatji writes that a heart attack occurs after the blockage of the heart channels begins. It means that the acidity in the blood has increased. You know about acidity. There are two types of acidity one is stomach acidity and the other is blood acidity. This type of problem occurs when the acidity in your stomach increases Stomach inflammation Khatti Khatti belching Water coming out of the mouth Stomach acidity increases when it enters the blood and then it mixes with the blood. When the acidity in the blood increases, this acidic blood cannot leave the heart vessels. And this leads to blockage of the vessels followed by a heart attack. This is one of the biggest truths of Ayurveda, which no doctor tells you, the reason behind this is that it is the easiest to treat.

Calcium is especially necessary after menopause, otherwise the risk of bone fractures may increase

Ahmedabad. 4 February 2023, Saturday If you want to live a healthy life after menopause? So you need to pay attention to diet. It is especially important to add calcium to the daily diet because calcium deficiency increases rapidly after menopause. Calcium deficiency weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures. Just as calcium is essential for children, calcium nutrition is important for women after menopause. Calcium is useful not only for the development of the body but also for the proper functioning of every part of the body. Why should women pay special attention to calcium intake after menopause? What is monopause? Menopause is when women stop menstruating and have gone 12 months without menstruation. Menopause occurs in women at the age of 40 or 50. Why should women pay special attention to calcium intake after menopause? According to a report, when women go through menopause, the production of estrogen hormone decreases in the body, so the ability to absorb calcium

A government app is being developed, now the hospital does not even have to push, this treatment can be received at home

- Some states have already started OPD services through telemedicine app New Delhi, Dated 20 January 2023, Friday The Union Budget may make some big announcements for the remote healthcare sector. According to health ministry sources, the Modi government is going to simplify the system of pathlab testing along with OPD services from remote villages to cities. What kind of announcements can the Modi government make regarding remote healthcare system and telemedicine in this budget? After the corona period, many hopes are being served regarding the remote healthcare sector in the country. Especially in all states of the country including Bihar, UP, MP, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, patients coming from village to village for treatment will neither need to go to the hospital nor incur any expenses in the next few years. Plans are underway to provide OPD services at home to rural patients. However, some states like Bihar have already started providing OPD services through telemedicine apps. Do

Do expired medicines become poison? What happens if you take this medicine?

New Delhi, Dated 02 February 2023, Thursday Whenever we buy something, we usually check its expiry date. Expiry date is also written on each item. From medicine to milk or bread, an expiry date is definitely mentioned. There are two types of dates written in it. In each item, one is written on the date of manufacture of the product and the other is its expiry date. But sometimes it also happens that if necessary we consume the medicine kept at home without checking the expiry date. When you know that expired medicines go bad and they also end up working or have bad side effects. Expiry date written on medicines does not mean that after a certain date they become poison or their effect is completely removed. In such a situation, today we will know here what is the meaning of the expiry date written on medicines. What does Expiry Date mean? Any pharmaceutical company in the world necessarily writes the expiry date on its medicines. Expiration date given on medicines means that after

This food item causes 34 types of cancer, be careful if you eat it too.

add caption Ahmedabad, 2 February 2023, Thursday Avoid home food If you are fond of spicy food outside, be careful. Eating outside increases the risk of cancer. Scientists have warned that eating processed outside food also increases the risk of death. According to a research conducted on 1,97,000 people in Britain, people who like to eat pizza, burgers, cold drinks and packet food are more likely to get cancer. According to the researchers, the study involved people who had no family history of cancer. In this research, the rate of ovarian cancer was found to be higher in women. 34 types of cancer are caused by: According to a report, eating ultra-processed food or junk food can lead to not one but 34 different types of cancer. According to the researchers, eating junk food can increase the risk of any type of cancer by 2% and ovarian cancer by 19%. Eating these foods can also increase death by 6% while death from ovarian cancer can increase by 30%. Which factors increase the r

If joint pain occurs in winter, eat these 4 things, bones will become strong

Image: Pixabay Ahmedabad, 29 January 2023, Sunday As the winters get colder, many people suffer from joint pain. Joint pain has become common for women and the elderly. Apart from this, the pain of old injuries also continues. Joint pain causes difficulty in sitting or standing. Many times you have to go to the hospital as the joint pain increases. People should always be alert for joint pain even though they may go unnoticed. As the cold increases, so does the pain in the bones. At such times, a healthy diet is very beneficial for joint pain. Include these foods in the diet Including these foods in your diet not only relieves you from pain but also helps keep your bones strong for a long time. According to health experts, if you have a fracture in your bone, you can heal it quickly. Your diet should be rich in elements like calcium, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C. First of all, what is the reason for constant pain? The main cause of joint pain is that after a certain age, the am

After Corona, now the entry of this new virus in India, its effect will be seen especially in children

Kerala, 24 January 2023, Tuesday In Kerala today, a new variant of Corona is coming across, the system has become alert there. The name of this new virus is norovirus. As two new cases of Norovirus have been reported in Kerala, Kerala Health Minister Veena George said that there is no need to worry but some caution is required. While the effect of this norovirus is seen more in children, the condition of both the norovirus patients reported in Kerala is also improving. What is norovirus?? This flu-like virus is also known as stomach flu. This is a very fast spreading infectious virus. This virus directly affects the digestive system. The main symptom of this infection is diarrhea and vomiting. This is why this virus is also known as stomach flu. The infection of this disease is mostly seen in children. Norovirus is a disease caused by eating stale or falling, old food. According to a research, since there are many types of norovirus, everyone can get norovirus infection several ti

If you want to keep your blood sugar levels under control, never make these mistakes

Ahmedabad, 8 February 2023 Wednesday The number of diabetic patients in India is continuously increasing. In the last one decade, there has been an increase in the number of young diabetic patients in the country. Age-related lifestyle changes and family history can be the cause of diabetes. Apart from that, a study has found that a person's daily diet and constant stress in life can also lead to diabetes. If you want to keep your blood sugar level under control then the following mistakes should be avoided. If you can do this, a healthy lifestyle will be in front of you. Avoid using white bread White bread is used for breakfast in most people's homes in the country. White bread is a refined food, high in carbs, which can spike your blood sugar levels. Refined carbs are high in biscuits, pasta, sweets, cakes, white rice and energy drinks. So if you are regularly consuming white bread and any other refined food, then it should be removed from your diet now. Breakfast Along

Budget 2023 for Health: Modi government made a big announcement in the health sector

Ahmedabad, 1 February 2023, Wednesday Budget 2023: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the budget for the year 2023 today. This budget was also important for the Modi government because the Lok Sabha elections are going to be held in the next year i.e. 2024. So let's take a look at what was announced in the budget presented today specifically for the health sector. Last Budget of Modi Government 2.0: Today the country's budget for the year 2023 was presented. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the last budget of the Modi government 2.0 today. It is worth mentioning that when the Lok Sabha elections are to be held in the next year 2024, the budget presented today was particularly important for the Modi government. In the budget presented today, a lot of new things were also announced in the health department. Lab Arrangements in Medical Colleges: Presenting the budget, the Finance Minister said that in the year 2023, many reforms are required in the h

Healthy drinks beneficial for health as well as beauty

- Meenakshi Tiwari People drink a variety of household beverages for health benefits, some of which even enhance beauty. Turmeric milk Sweetened milk is a drink that relieves joint pain, swelling and relieves cold and cough. Turmeric contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce acne on the face. Pomegranate juice Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants. which reduces inflammation thereby relieving pain. Also consumption of pomegranate juice is beneficial in some types of arthritis. It is an immunity booster and rich in Vitamin C. Its consumption makes the skin shiny. Water of Takamaria Tamarind water keeps blood sugar under control. Helps in weight loss. Also improves digestion and relieves constipation. While in terms of beauty, Takamaria water brightens the skin. Coconut water Coconut water hydrates the body and provides a surprising amount of potassium. Potassium is beneficial for heart rate. It also plays an important role in regulating blood p

These five bad habits lead to premature aging, know what these habits are

Image Envato Dt. 22 January 2023, Sunday It is natural to get wrinkles on the face with increasing age. But now even at a young age wrinkles start appearing on the face which is said to be a big problem. These five bad habits can make you look older than your age. If one stays away from this habit, one's aging problem will be reduced and at the same time one will look young. You can protect the body from many other diseases. 1. Avoid intoxicants Nowadays the habit of taking drugs has become common among the youth. In which the habit of intoxicants like cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol invite disease in your body. Drugs also cause physical and mental problems. 2. Stay stress free The habit of worrying about small things shows up on a person's face. Stress increases mental illness so whenever a problem arises it is imperative to find a solution calmly. 3. Keep enough attention If you don't get enough sleep, you have to face problems such as hair loss, graying of hair and

This mushroom emits a poisonous gas, can take life

Image Wikipedia Dt. 22 January 2023, Sunday Scientists from Taiwan's Academia Sinica have made a new discovery about a species of mushroom called the oyster mushroom. According to scientists, in the 1980s, it was found that this mushroom species is living by hunting small insects. According to a report, scientists conducted an experiment and realized that the specialty of this mushroom is that it neither has arms nor legs. So how does this mushroom hunt itself to survive? To find this out, scientists started further studies and found that this mushroom has a special property that helps it survive. This oyster mushroom has a small lollipop-like structure, which opens upon exposure to a roundworm. When these lollipop-like structures come in contact with insects, they immediately break down and the mushroom releases a highly toxic gas. The effect of this gas is so intense that the digestive system stops working. But there is no need to fear, this mushroom is not harmful to humans.

Just making these changes will keep the brain sharp and active, try it

Ahmedabad 13 January 2023 The most important organ of the body is the brain. Brain power can be increased by taking few necessary steps in daily life. Such as brain booster foods, certain exercises and certain avoidances can maintain good mental health. If the brain works well, a person can come out of any bad situation and achieve the success he wants in life. As a person ages, his brain is affected, such as a gradual loss of memory. By making small changes in daily life, the brain can be stimulated and its power can also be increased. Getting enough sun: According to a study, dopamine levels decrease if you don't get enough sun. Taking a few minutes of sun in the morning will make you feel energetic for the whole day and keep laziness at bay. Avoid processed sugar: Consuming processed sugar often leads to hunger pangs. Processed sugar gets your brain used to it. You can use natural sugar (honey, jaggery) instead of processed sugar. Getting enough sleep : Waking up late a

Your child does not have pneumonia! Follow this home remedy to stay safe

Dt. February 6, 2023, Monday We all have seen the trend of corona epidemic. Illnesses like cold, cough, fever became almost common in this period. It was also considered to be the symptoms of Corona. But you may have heard that pneumonia was also a disease with similar symptoms. Here we will discuss about a disease like pneumonia which especially affects children. Pneumonia is a viral disease, in which children get infected due to viral flu, but pneumonia also occurs due to the accumulation of phlegm in the lungs for a long time. However, mostly this disease occurs only in weak children. There is no home remedy to get rid of this disease caused by infection but you can follow these home remedies to avoid its bacteria. First, know how pneumonia occurs? Pneumonia is caused by increasing infection in the lungs, in which there is difficulty in breathing due to increasing infection. Pneumonia also causes swelling in your lungs due to fluid filling, causing you to have cough, phlegm and

These 6 types of problems can invite heart attack, know the remedies to avoid heart attack

Dt. 30 January 2023 Monday Nowadays, the problem of heart attack is constantly increasing in busy lives. There can be many reasons behind a heart attack or stroke, even if you have these problems or diseases that increase your chances of having a heart attack or stroke, it can be difficult to ignore. Stress, not paying attention to food and drink, careless lifestyle, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of alcohol or cigarettes can increase the chances of heart attack or stroke. So, don't make the mistake of ignoring any small problem or problem that appears in the body and try to be careful keeping in mind all the symptoms of your body. So let's find out which diseases, habits or problems can damage the heart, thereby increasing the chances of having a heart attack or stroke. 1. Cholesterol Cholesterol is a wax-like substance in your body. Due to the increase in cholesterol level, the arteries get blocked due to which blood cannot reach the heart in sufficient quantity. As

Give this food to children from childhood, bones will become strong

Image Envato Ahmedabad, 30 January 2023 Monday While focusing on the physical development of children, parents often ignore the growth of the hips. Strong bones are very important for the overall development of children, so all parents should pay special attention to the diet of children from childhood. How does food affect a child's development? According to a report, if children do not have enough nutrients in their diet, there will be problems in future development of children and it will adversely affect their health in the long run. If you want to give children a good future, not only education is necessary, but physical health is also important. Generally, it is believed that the bones of old people are weak. But children's bones are weaker than those of the elderly. According to experts, children often have problems like osteoporosis, which is caused by weak bones. So all the parents should pay attention to the diet which strengthens the bones for the good health of

Refrigerating these fruits destroys their nutrients, never make this mistake

Ahmedabad, 12 January 2023 In today's fast life, we have overused the refrigerator. Food items stay fresh for several days in the fridge so we get used to storing them. We store bakery products, milk products or fruits and vegetables in the fridge. Consuming fruit in daily life is very good for health and fruit is also considered as the healthiest diet as it is a treasure of vitamins. But did you know that there are certain fruits that should never be refrigerated? Many of us are in the habit of buying the whole week's worth of vegetables and fruits on weekends and storing them in the fridge. In today's fast paced life, a refrigerator is very useful, it also keeps food fresh for 1-2 days. But do you know that some fruits are such that if you put them in the fridge, the nutrients in them are destroyed and then there is no benefit in eating them, so let's know where are the fruits that should never be put in the refrigerator. 1. Banana: It is best to keep bananas at