If joint pain occurs in winter, eat these 4 things, bones will become strong

Image: Pixabay

Ahmedabad, 29 January 2023, Sunday

As the winters get colder, many people suffer from joint pain. Joint pain has become common for women and the elderly. Apart from this, the pain of old injuries also continues. Joint pain causes difficulty in sitting or standing. Many times you have to go to the hospital as the joint pain increases. People should always be alert for joint pain even though they may go unnoticed. As the cold increases, so does the pain in the bones. At such times, a healthy diet is very beneficial for joint pain.

Include these foods in the diet

Including these foods in your diet not only relieves you from pain but also helps keep your bones strong for a long time. According to health experts, if you have a fracture in your bone, you can heal it quickly. Your diet should be rich in elements like calcium, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C.

First of all, what is the reason for constant pain?

The main cause of joint pain is that after a certain age, the amount of lubrication naturally present in the joints starts to decrease, which leads to wear and tear on the bones. This results in damage to the muscle tissue and internal swelling of the joints, which makes it very difficult to walk.

1. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium and zinc which help in increasing bone density. Magnesium also works to strengthen bones.

2. Sesame

Sesame seeds are a hot food ingredient. Consuming it on time will naturally warm your body. Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, magnesium, fiber, omega 3 protein which helps in relieving your joint pain.

3. Soybeans

Soybeans are rich in fiber, protein, omega 3 fatty acids. Consuming this can relieve swelling and pain. Apart from this, regular consumption of soybean strengthens the bones and also benefits the body.

4. Green vegetables

As soon as winter comes, green vegetables are everywhere. Green vegetables are very beneficial not only for joint pain but also for the whole body. Green vegetables are rich in vitamins, drink green vegetable juice regularly in winter and consume it in different ways.


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