Will the Corona virus not chase India for two and a half to two years?

Ahmedabad, April 21, 2020, Tuesday

As the corona virus was spreading across the world, Indians knew little about the corona virus until people from overseas were screened at airports. For the Corona virus, it was taken lightly for the first time in India until the public's curfew was announced on the last week of March. There was also a frenzy of people saying that they had won against Corona with the knocking of tables, but then the seriousness of the Corona virus came to mind when a 21-day nationwide lockdown was announced. 4 to 5 days after the start of the lockdown were also quite troubling, with workers living in different cities lining the countryside with small roads and highway workers.

In the wake of the lockdown, the poor were forced to leave the city as daily wages were stopped. The calculation behind the 21-day lockdown was that the maximum duration of exposure to the corona virus infection was 14 days, so if the lockdown was followed by people, new cases would be stopped due to social distances while the corona could be controlled by treating those who have been infected. The lockdown is the perfect weapon to break the chain of corona virus as the corona virus is transmitted not by the air but by the infected person. Countries such as Italy and Spain repeated the lockdown or did not comply with the lockdown due to which the corona transition was spread out.

Due to the example of these countries, it was not only the government but also the people to make the lock down a success but it was also happened that during the lock-down, the corona-positive cases increased and the situation of cities like Mumbai, Delhi continued to deteriorate. Being in lockdown for 21 days was a scary experience for people, but the lock down was confirmed by millions of people as the corona virus was confirmed, with movie stars and celebrities viraling messages in support of the lockdown. The lockdown was extended again until May 3 when the 21-day deadline for April 14 ended, as lockdown was unlikely to be lifted amid a growing case of corona virus.

If that were the case, the water would turn back on 21 days of hard work. The government of Telangana, Punjab, Maharashtra and Rajasthan had already announced the lock down. Now the days of Lockdown Part-2 are also passing through, but the number of cases of Corona virus infection is increasing. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have the highest number of coronary infections. Ahmedabad, the economic capital of Gujarat, has reported more than 1,200 corona-positive cases.

Corona virus is new and there is research on vaccines, from vaccines to drugs. It lasts for 14 days after entering the body and then raises the head with symptoms. Often the report is positive even without symptoms like fever, cold, cough. It can infect others in the meantime, so it's hard to say where the global pandemic of this corona will stop. Some experts believe that the infection of the corona virus does not appear to have subsided after the lock is lifted.

It can take up to two to two years for people in India to get immunized against the virus. The lock down is a temporary period in which more and more preparations can be made to combat the corona virus. Because of the virus, people's lives and eating and drinking will change drastically. When people live a normal life like before, even a fraction of it will be considered a risk. Elders and children especially need to be protected from coronary outbreaks, which is the only sustainable way the body gains immunity against the virus.


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