Will millions of cases of intimate testing of the corona come out in the world?

Berlin, Thursday, April 29, 2020

More than 3 million people worldwide have been infected with corona. Every day there is an increase of 30 to 40 thousand cases. A study by the University of Gટિંગttingen in Germany claims that coronary heart disease is still on the rise, with millions of people being forced to stay at home in Europe or Africa, Asia or the Americas. The number of positive cases is as high as a crore.

According to the data of these German researchers, only 3% of the corona virus patients in the world have been reported so far, which will be more than 10 times the original number. This estimate is based on coronavirus mortality and the onset of infection. Sebastian Folmer, a professor of development economics, believes that the country's governments and policymakers should be vigilant in planning based on the results we have received. Cases come out faster wherever the Corona test is high. Based on the quality of testing in different countries, Folmer warned that changes in the quality of testing in different countries do not result in official and accurate statistics.

Researchers Boomer and Folmer estimate that by March 31, 2020, the number of infections could be much higher than in Germany, Italy, the United States and Britain. Corona positive people who have not been investigated are returning which is a very dangerous thing. The research by Christian Boemer and Sebastian Folmer, researchers at the German University, is published in the journal The Lessent Infection Diseases.


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