International Yoga Day 2020: The benefits of doing 15 minutes of yoga every day

New delhi date. 21 June 2020, Sunday

We all know how beneficial yoga is for our health. Regular practice of yoga keeps your day refreshed and cures many ailments. Yoga in every season is beneficial for our health. International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 every year to make people aware of the benefits of yoga.

Stay healthy and be happy

A person is healthy only when he is not only physically but also mentally as well as emotionally healthy. If you have enthusiasm and your mind is cheerful then you are said to be mentally healthy. Yoga helps you a lot for mental as well as physical health.

Control of breathing

The process of breathing during yoga is very important. At the same time, yoga teaches the art of breathing control. Breathing control helps maintain balance in every part of the brain.

Weight control

The problem of gaining weight is bothering most people these days. Yoga can be helpful for you if you want to lose weight. Surya Namaskar and Kapalbhati Pranayama help in relieving the excess fat that accumulates on your body. At the same time doing yoga makes you sensitive to food that is good for your body, which helps you to control your weight.

Will boost the immune system

Yoga is one of the tools that works as a natural immunity booster. Our body's immune system works to fight the disease and keep it away. Weakened immune systems increase the risk of many serious illnesses, including colds and viral infections.

Relief from mental stress

Practicing yoga every day will relieve you of mental stress. Yogasana, pranayama and meditation are very effective in relieving stress.

Yoga will increase concentration

If your mind is not calm then you can bring concentration by stabilizing your mind through yoga. At the same time, you will be able to do daily activities more actively.

Blood circulation will be good

Yogasana and respiratory function improve blood circulation in the body. Proper blood circulation makes it easier for oxygen to reach the organs of the body.


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