Back pain, diarrhea and vomiting can also be a symptom of corona

New delhi date. 02 July 2020, Thursday

It is becoming increasingly difficult to understand which symptoms increase your risk of contracting the corona virus. Until now, dry cough, high fever, etc. were considered to be a symptom of corona. But now there are 11 symptoms that can give you a red signal of corona.

Corona virus has had a total of 9 symptoms so far. 3 new features have been added. Runny nose, vomiting and diarrhea may be due to coronary infection. But there are also patients who have experienced back pain and have since tested positive for corona.

Back pain is also a symptom of corona

If you have severe back pain, abdominal pain, pain in the ADO of the legs, or even rashes, this may be a symptom of the corona virus. A senior doctor in Mumbai has been monitoring patients with corona virus for the past few days. He treated about 200 patients. They then found themselves in the transition to Corona. The first symptom he experienced was back pain.

Also added three new features

9 symptoms of Corona virus have been reported so far. Now the American Center for Disease Control (CDC) has added three new features. Symptoms include runny nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

9 features mentioned so far

Corona virus has so far reported only 9 symptoms. Symptoms include fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, loss of taste and smell, sore throat, etc.

Sugar can also be dangerous

The doctor said that these days he has also seen patients who have never had diabetes before but whose sugar level is over 400. The doctor says that the sugar level in the corona patient keeps going up rapidly.


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