Do you also have thyroid? Learn its symptoms and home remedies

New delhi date. 13 July 2020, Monday

Many people nowadays suffer from thyroid problems. Hormones also become unbalanced with weight gain or loss in this disease. According to one study, women have 10 times more thyroid problems than men. According to health experts, thyroid hormone is essential for the normal functioning of the body's organs, but it can be a problem if an imbalance occurs. The most common cause of thyroid problems is autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). This is a genetic condition in which the immune system produces antibodies and stimulates the thyroid gland to make more hormones. Learn about its symptoms and home remedies ...

There are two types of thyroid.

1. Hyperthyroidism

Symptoms: Weight loss, trembling hands, heat intolerance, insomnia, thirst, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, weakness, anxiety and insomnia.

2. Hypothyroidism

Symptoms: Laziness at work, fatigue, constipation, slow heartbeat, chills, dry skin, dry hair, irregular menstrual cycles in women, symptoms of infertility, etc.

Talking about home remedies for thyroid can be done with the things that are easily found in your home.


Potassium, magnesium etc. in ginger relieves thyroid problems. The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger prevent the thyroid from overgrowing and improve its functioning.

Milk and yogurt intake:

People suffering from thyroid problems are advised to consume yogurt and milk as much as possible. Calcium, minerals and vitamins in milk and yogurt keep people suffering from thyroid healthy.

Flaxseed b

Flaxseed is rich in B fatty acids which is not only healthy for our heart but also beneficial for thyroid problems. The magnesium and vitamin B12 in it fights hypothyroidism.

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil contains fatty acids, which help the thyroid gland in its functioning. Limited use of coconut oil also helps in weight loss. Which increases metabolism in the body and keeps the body temperature balanced.

Intake of Mulethi:

It is very beneficial for thyroid patients to take mulathi as they get tired quickly. The element in mulathi keeps the thyroid gland in balance. It turns your fatigue into energy. Mulatto in thyroid problems also reduces the risk of cancer.


Consumption of barley, wheat and whole grains does not cause thyroid problems. Cereals are said to be rich in fiber, protein and vitamins which prevent the thyroid from growing. Wheat and sorghum also work effectively in preventing problems like sinus, high blood pressure and anemia.


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