In 108 years, India's first female cardiologist treats a patient

New Delhi, August 10, 2020, Monday

The incidence of heart disease is increasing due to changing lifestyles. There are more male doctors in the field of cardiologists in the medical branch while there are very few female doctors. In India, Dr. S. I. Padmavati is proud to be the first woman cardiologist in the country. Surprisingly, even at the age of 106, he still cares for his patient. She became a pioneer of the National Heart Institute in Delhi in 191. Had the longest duty record as a physician.

Dr. S. I. Padmavati was born in 1919 in Rangoon, Burma. She was also the first woman to get admission in Rangoon Medical College after Primary and Higher Secondary. He came to India with his mother and four sisters when Japan invaded Burma in the 19th century. He could not see his brother and father until World War II ended. At age 16, Padmavati went to Britain as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in London. Padmavati also worked in Baltimore with Dr. Helen Tusing, a pioneer in Blue Baby surgery. He joined Harvard Medical College in 19th and worked with Dr. Paul Dodley White, a pioneer in modern cardiology. When she returned to India in 19, she was the first woman cardiologist in the country. He has served in the field of Cardiology for a long time as Professor of Medicine in the Medical College, Delhi. Padmavati was honored with the 19th Padma Bhushan and the 12th Padma Vibhushan in recognition of her service.

Even at the age of 108, he cannot break the relationship with his patient. Twice a week he invariably comes to treat his patients. Despite crossing a century of age, it has a wonderful sparkle. Feels like old age on the body but young on the inside. Regardless of age, he is still interested in learning new things in the field of cardiology. He invariably reads new medical research papers and journals. He attributes his genes and disciplined lifestyle to being active at such an age. Maintain fitness due to balanced diet, light exercise and adequate rest and sleep. Dr. Padmavati's mother also lived for 108 years, so she believes that her long life is due to strong jeans.


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