It is appropriate to distance oneself from a corona patient but not to create a social distance: a psychiatrist

- Corona patient is treated like family and society by HIV positive patients

Surat, Ta. August 8, 2020

The suffering of the positive patients receiving treatment in the midst of coronary heart disease is very pathetic. Because of this disease they are considered untouchable. People distance themselves from them. The direct effect of which is to fall mentally. Disease experts and psychiatrists believe that it is advisable to make the right distance due to the disease. But social distance from the patient should not be created. Due to the love of family and friends, the recovery mood of Corona patients is increasing.

Dr. Mukul Choksi, a renowned psychiatrist from Gujarat, has compared the treatment of some Corona patients with the treatment of HIV positive patients 15 years ago. There are many patients whose family and friends treat them like untouchables after their report comes back positive. In this regard, Dr. Mukul Choksi said that sympathy should be maintained with the patients. Talking to family and friends is very important to them. Many patients are abused after coming back positive. This is the reason why Corona patients want to hide their identities. So that people do not consider it as untouchable, it is very important to have sympathy with the patients of Corona so that the patients can recover very quickly.

In some cases family members and friends who come positive for corona distance themselves from the patient. On the other hand, for the doctors who treat such patients, these patients have become their family. Dr. Parth Patel, a young doctor working as a resident doctor in the medicine department of Schmeier Hospital, has made Smeer Hospital his home and patients a family for the last four months. Patients also experience their relatives in them. Dr. Parth says, 'I have been away from home for the last four months and have been on duty in the Covid ward. Patients need to be very careful during treatment. Often when a patient enters a critical condition, their family members have to reassure them as well as give them patience. Sometimes even patients are admitted whose thoughts, speech and gentle demeanor are bound to make them feel, we respect them.

Doctor Sameer Gami, who was on duty at Unique Hospital in Surat, became infected while treating patients with corona. They have returned to duty after donating the mother to Corona and have also donated plasma. "There is no need to be afraid of Corona," said Samir Gami. The patient needs family and friends. So family and friends need to create the right distance but not social distance from the patient ...

Fazal Chunara from Dubai has recently donated plasma for the third time. The family has made a special contribution to his recovery, he said. Thanks to the love of family and friends, he was able to recover quickly. They also told Corona patients that co-operating with doctors and medical staff makes it easier to control the disease.


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