Breathing while wearing a mask has a bad effect on lung-immunity

New delhi date. 20 September 2020, Sunday

It has become very necessary to wear a mask to prevent the transmission of corona virus. It is imperative to wear a mask to protect oneself and others. But do you know how dangerous wearing a mask can be for our lungs? Yoga and wellness coaches say that wearing a mask and breathing can have a very bad effect on our lungs, vitality and immunity.

Fitness experts say that people who wear masks regularly should do pranayama or deep breathing exercises regularly to avoid such problems. This will not only improve your lungs and immunity but will make you feel more energetic and healthy.

The fitness and yoga expert said that the process of inhaling after exhaling is called apan vayu in yoga and ayurveda. The amount of oxygen in the air decreases, which has a bad effect on your health. Exercise should be done to get rid of it. There are benefits to doing yoga and breathing exercises.


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