Excessive intake of protein foods to boost immunity is also harmful

New Delhi, September 1, 2020, Tuesday

Protein foods are used to lose weight and boost immunity, with the emphasis now being on the immune system. But experts believe that consuming too much protein can cause harm to the body. When protein is taken in excess, it accumulates in the body as fat. In addition, amino acids are excreted from the body which further helps in weight gain. Low carbon intake and increased protein intake lead to intestinal constipation in the long run. Fiber is found in carbohydrates which keeps the intestines well. This problem can be avoided by drinking more water and consuming fiber.

Excessive protein intake also increases breath and body odor. During metabolism, the body produces chemicals that cause odors. Dairy products are also high in protein and fat, so it is advisable to use them in moderation. Prolonged high protein diet can also affect the kidneys. Over-consumption of protein proves to be dangerous for people who suffer from kidney problems. Excess load falls on the kidneys. This is due to the amount of nitrogen found in the amino acids.

High protein intake also has an adverse effect on the bones in the body which is a complaint of osteoporosis i.e. bone pain, some studies have also found that high protein intake reduces the amount of calcium in the body. Generally, a person needs 20 to 30 grams of protein daily. 20 grams of protein is enough for women and 20 grams for men. The rule of abstinence applies to all herbs and foods, so it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet.


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