Regular consumption of lemon will get rid of many diseases of the body

New delhi date. 04 October 2020, Sunday

Lemons are used in different ways. The flavor of lemon in salads, sambar, kheechadi etc. makes the dish more delicious. But lemon is very beneficial not only for taste but also for health. Learn how lemon can save us from some diseases.

Helps to heal the digestive system

- Most everyone has some problems with digestion. But people who drink lemon juice in normal warm water do not face such problems. Start the day every morning with lemon water.

- This drink works to flush out all the toxins from your body. If you just have trouble drinking water and lemon, you can mix black salt to taste. It will also enhance the taste of the drink and make your digestive system work better.

Protects from colds

- Squeezing lemon in normal warm water and consuming it regularly does not cause common cold, cold, cough and throat related diseases. This is because the citric acid in lemon does not allow any kind of infection to develop in your throat.

Prevents kidney stones

- If you consume the juice of two lemons every morning by mixing it in warm water, you will not have any problem with kidney stones. Because citric acid does not allow stones to develop in the body.

- Lemon juice is effective in preventing stones because it does not allow the stone forming cells to grow.

Prevents dry mouth

- The problem of dehydration in the body is due to frequent dry mouth, frequent thirst and problems like urination while drinking water. Lemon is an effective remedy to avoid these conditions.

- You prepare a bowl of fruits, a bowl of vegetables and eat it by squeezing a lemon in it. Eat lemon regularly in the morning. Squeeze lemon in sprouts and eat. This will help you to get rid of both dehydration and dry mouth.

Helps control weight gain

- Gaining weight makes you a victim of many diseases. It also includes hypertension, heart stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. But eating lemon regularly keeps your weight under control.


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