These things will eliminate the problem of anemia, include it in your diet from today

New delhi date. 11 October 2020, Sunday

Hemoglobin deficiency can lead to many physical problems. When there is not enough blood in the body, the risk of many serious diseases increases along with problems like weakness, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue. In addition, due to the low amount of blood in the body, the body color becomes yellow and lifeless. If you take care of your diet and include some things that increase the amount of blood in it, then the deficiency of blood in your body can be eliminated. Learn about some of the things that are very beneficial for health.

Spinach: - Include green vegetables in your diet to eliminate anemia in the body. Forage is an excellent option. Consumption of spinach rich in Vitamin B6, A, C, Iron, Calcium and Fiber quickly eliminates anemia in the body. You can also take it in the form of vegetable or juice.

Tomatoes: - Tomatoes enhance the taste of salads. Along with this tomatoes help in increasing the amount of blood in the body. You can also drink tomato juice and soup for it. In addition, mixing apple and tomato juice and drinking it also increases the amount of blood in the body.

Beet: - Drinking beet juice removes anemia in the body. In addition, mixing peanuts with jaggery also provides iron to the body.

Apples: - Apples are beneficial in anemia. Regular consumption of it makes hemoglobin in the body. In addition, apples contain a number of vitamins, which work to increase blood flow in the body.

Gooseberry: - Eating gooseberry also increases hemoglobin in the body. Gooseberries are as nutritious as they are ripe. You can also include pomegranate in your diet to increase your hemoglobin. Its regular intake can help increase the amount of hemoglobin.


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