As the sinus problem increases in winter, these 7 home remedies will provide relief

New delhi date. 11 November 2020, Wednesday

Sinus is a nasal congestion problem caused by an allergy, bacterial infection or cold. Sinus problems increase during the winter season. The sinuses cause saliva to build up in the body which causes headaches and difficulty in breathing. Sinus problems can last up to 4 weeks or more. But there are some home remedies that can relieve this problem.

Stay hydrated: - Lack of fluid increases sinus problems. Always keep yourself hydrated if you have sinus problems. Drink plenty of water, sugar-free tea or juice. This fluid helps the saliva to get out of the body. People with sinus problems should avoid alcohol, caffeine and smoking.

Spicy Spices: - Spicy spices like black pepper have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which help in expelling saliva. In addition, mixing horseradish in apple cider vinegar and lemon juice also relieves sinus problems.

Steaming: - The most effective way to reduce sinus is to destroy it. Put 3 drops of peppermint oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil in a pot with hot water. Now cover with a handkerchief and take this water vapor. This will open your closed nose and make you feel lighter.

Turmeric and Ginger Tea: - Turmeric has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric and ginger tea helps to relax mucus and also opens the closed nose. Turmeric and ginger tea is considered to be the most effective Ayurvedic remedy for sinus problems. Also, it can be taken 2 to 3 times a day by mixing fresh ginger juice with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Apple Cider Vinegar: - Apple cider vinegar i.e. apple cider vinegar also works as a natural remedy in sinuses. Dip 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water and drink it to reduce sinus pressure. You can also mix lemon and honey in it to taste. You will also benefit from taking just one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar three times a day.

Soup: - Drinking soup in winter season is also very beneficial. Numerous studies have shown that hot soups are helpful in flushing out saliva from the body. You can also make anything from vegetables to chicken soup.

Stay away from fried and spicy foods: - Some special food-drink items work to aggravate sinus problems like fried-roasted food, rice and spicy items. People with sinus problems should eat more vitamin-A rich foods as this works to reduce the risk of sinus infections. You should also avoid things like ice cream, cheese and yogurt.


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